Eulogy – A Short Film: Kickstarter campaign

Greetings and thank you for taking the time to read about our film.  We are trying to raise $5000 in closing money to complete Eulogy.  We filmed Eulogy last year and after finishing our rough cut, we entered the film into some local festivals here in New York.  We were nominated for, and won “best … Read more

Lead Actor Kaves featured in Brooklyn Daily

This lord is expanding his dominion. A short film featuring Bay Ridge creative force Kaves — who founded hip-hop group Lordz of Brooklyn in 1992 — is showing at the Art of Brooklyn Film Festival on May 16. Kaves plays the lead role in the flick — called “Eulogy” — and is excited for the … Read more

Queens Ledger features Don Capria and Eulogy.

Among the films featured at Queens World Film Festival (QWFF) is Don Capria’s dark and emotional piece, “Eulogy.” The short film follows lead character Zef Celaj, who is serving 25 years in prison for a crime that his brother, Martin, committed. After discovering that Martin committed suicide, Zef returns home to his Bronx neighborhood to … Read more

Bronx Socialite interviews Don Capria

This week, I had the opportunity to interview Don Capria, the director of a new film entitled, Eulogy, which will be shown as part of the Queens World Film Festival this Friday, March 20. at 8 pm at The Secret Theater. READ MORE >>

DNA info plugs Eulogy for QWFF

The festival will also showcase the work of more than a dozen Queens filmmakers. Among them is “Eulogy,” a short film from Astoria writer and director Don Capria about a man who returns to his home in the Bronx during a furlough from prison to deliver a eulogy at the wake of his brother, whose … Read more

2015 Queens World Film Festival

  EULOGY official selection in 2015 Queens World Film Festival. More details to come. See link for more information.